So I WANT to Run 13.1 Miles?!

THIRTEEN POINT ONE stinkin' miles.  Do you even know how far that is!?  Really. stinkin. far. What in the world am I thinking?  If you've worked out with me you know that I pretty much hate all exercise.  I do it, but I kick and scream the whole way.  So why would I WANT to run for probably about 2.5 hours straight (and that's being optimistic---thunder thighs are hard work to move people!)??

Sometimes I think Girls was written about me.

If you would've told my high school self that one day I would be able to run 3 whole miles without stopping, she laugh right in your face. I didn't continue to play volleyball into high school because they said we'd have to run a mile.  A mile...just one, just one mile.  Holy moses!  What a weeny ! 

I've been on a very long, very frustrating journey to health.  I've altered my eating habits, I've done every weight workout, joined gyms, joined a bootcamp, and I've probably done 5,000 squats and lunges. So I came to a realization yesterday. Although I loathe every step I take during a run, nothing beats the feeling of strength, accomplishment, pride, and an overall health and wellbeing afterwards.

Training will include 3-4 weekly runs ranging from 3-12 miles with a couple cross training days in there. I know there are going to be days that I don't want to even get off the couch. There are going to be days where I feel defeated and inadequate and I'll want to quit. But I seriously can't wait for the minutes after I cross that finish line knowing that I just did something I never thought I could do.  

AND my buddy Crystal (experienced half marathon runner extraordinaire) will be running with me!  I most likely would not have had the courage to sign up if it wasn't for her.  So THANKS Crystal!

So I guess until January I'll have to endure long runs with views like these :)

I am currently and always accepting advice from my CG/runner friends.  For a half do y'all carry a bottle of water?  What about those energy chews, do they really work? What was the farthest you ran before the actual race?  I wanna know all your tips!


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