6 Mile Run Recap!

Oh. My. Gosh. Let me tell you right now-6 miles is a looooong way. HA! And I'm going to have to run over twice that distance in just a few short months.  Holy Moses what did I get myself into?

The day before I had already decided that we were going to wake up early and head to the boardwalk. It was a Saturday and I didn't want to be bobbin' and weavin' outta pedestrian traffic the whole way. Well NATURALLY I slept in and made breakfast and lolly gagged around the apartment until Ryan finally asked if we were even going to run at all.  So we get to the boardwalk in prime running time, the dead heat of midday. Awesome. But I did it to myself and the place was packed.

MILES 1 and 2- Feeling awesome, it's a little hot and there are people walking everywhere.  I CAN DO THIS!

MILE 3 - Ok, getting tired, finish this mile and I can turn around. This isn't TOO bad.

MILE 4 - Ohmygosh, I might die before I finish.  I can't breathe and I can't keep my upper body straight up anymore.  I should probably walk, but only for a couple of minutes.

I'm dyingggg...

MILE 5 - Start the mile with another couple minute walk break.  There's a light, I can see it.  The girl running in her sports bra in front of me keeps me going. That WILL be me someday...but probably not...oh, and I can't see her anymore cause she's running like 26 mph. Back to reality. I'm dying.

MILE 6 - Back to the shops, restaurants, and people.  Lots to look at and keep my mind off my aching ankles and back.  Oh my back, I'm basically running completely bent over by now. Got that visual? It was worse. AND THEN THERE WAS THE HILL.  The hill was the last 0.2 ish mile of the run and I refused to walk. So I kept bouncing. I probably could've walked faster and at one point I felt like I was going backwards.  BUT I kept bouncing and made it! YES!  And then a half mile walk back to the car.

I know how you feel buddy...

And then the migraine happened. Complete with nausea and vomiting. 

I finished in an hour and 20 minutes, which is about a 13:20 pace.  I was originally hoping for 13 or under but I guess I'm okay with going a little slower, it was my first long run where I almost completely ran.  My long runs for the next week or two are going to be 6 miles so hopefully I can decrease my time a little bit and increase my endurance so my EVEN LONGER runs aren't so horrible.

So I have to admit, the sense of accomplishment I talked about in the last post just wasn't there.  I felt horrible, my back hurt, and every runner on the boardwalk passed me, sometimes twice.  I have NEVER been an athletic person.  If you knew me in high school you're probably nodding your head in agreement right now haha!  I tried, but I just was not good at anything.  There's just no hand/eye coordination present. Unless you count reading music and playing the clarinet.  There was my forte! When I decided to start running I thought it could be something that I could be good at because there isn't much involved.  Uh, WRONG. There's so much involved and I am NOT good at it. This little 6 mile run got me down in the dumps, I started to feel like I might not be able to go through with this. 

But then I read an article in Women's Fitness. To paraphrase it basically said that training for a run is going to be filled with great runs, ok runs, and sucky runs and the important thing is to just keep running. Even experienced runners have sucky runs. That doesn't really make me feel better about yesterday but it does give me hope that my next long run will be better. 

On a completely different note-THREE SHIFTS and then we're coming to Texas to party with Megan and Brian!!  Someone's gonna need to hold me accountable for running those days :)


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