T MINUS 3 DAYS! Holy Moses y'all. It's here. I can't believe it! I'm so excited...and nervous! But mainly excited. But also still nervous. 


Ryan and I will be heading down a day early so that we don't have to wake up so early on race day. Riverside is a little over an hour away and the race starts at 8 so that wouldn't make for a fun morning otherwise. 

I really can't believe it's happening. I know it's not some huge life event like buying a house or having a kid, but if/when (don't wanna jinx anything) I finish on Saturday, it will be for me. I've got my outfit all picked out and mostly packed. Got my little 13.1 charm that Ryan bought me all tied into my shoe laces and my 13.1 sticker ready to be placed on the car just as soon as I cross the finish line. What?! I said I was excited. On the other hand I'm so dang nervous. I've worked so hard for this and I'm so scared something dumb is going to happen and I won't be able to finish or run at all. But I've decided come hell or high water these thunder thighs are making it across the finish line if I have to crawl the whole stinkin' way there. Let's all just take a moment and pray that crawling doesn't have to happen...

I'll wait...


Thanks! With my last 3 long runs (all 12 miles) my knees have been getting pretty painful around mile 9, only really hurting after I stop. I've considered shin splints and patellar tendonitis but my symptoms just don't seem to fit either one. The pain feels more muscle-y and less joint-y and feels much better after ice, ibuprofen, and about 8 hours of sleep. If any of you runners have any ideas of what it could be let me know. And for all you people who want to say "you should rest and not push though pain, blah blah blah", yeah I know, I know. But I haven't come this far to bow out now. My plan is to take a rest from running for a little while after this race, do more cross training, then start off a little slower on the milage to prepare for the next one. I think it's mostly caused by upping my milage a little too fast.

Anyway, enough of that! Another thing that's unbelievable---six months has passed and our time in San Diego is over. I think I'm in denial. Not that I don't want to be back in Texas for a while but jeez, I'm just having a hard time accepting that I'll be leaving my beach paradise that I've come to love so much. This is definitely our most favorite place we've been to so far, even over Vegas! Also, I'm going to need time to slow down a bit, seriously, the last 6 months felt more like 6 weeks. Maybe Houston will go by a little slower so we can enjoy more time with family and friends.

Ryan and I will be passing through Austin the 16th and 17th so hopefully we'll be able to catch up with some of you dearly missed Texans! It's gonna be PARTAY TIME!!! HAAAAAYYY!!!


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