The Time Karma Got Me Back and Other Stuffs

Well y'all, karma got me back. You remember way back when last week when I ALMOST hit a girl on my bike?? Well, today I was just running along on the boardwalk listening to my music and minding my own business and BAM! I get hit from behind by this guy riding a bike. Now I realize that I ALMOST hit someone while riding a bike BUT I wasn't just riding along a straight, 12 ft wide path where it was just me and the pedestrian. Really. I don't know if he was texting or what but he was going slow enough to not knock me down. So he was either texting or thought it'd be funny to hit the fluffy girl bouncing slowly down the fast side of the right lane. I know, I know slower people to the right. But there's always sand on the right side of the path and that makes it harder to run and more likely for me to slip and fall...I mean, hello! I AM one of the clumsiest people on the planet. Do I need to refer to the last post again? PLUS there are other people that run in the left side of that lane. In conclusion, I've decided my anger against this guy is totally okay and not a double standard at all.

In other news, (I know Ryan's already told y'all but) WE'RE COMING TO TEXAS!! Houston to be exact and I'll be working at Texas Children's Hospital. It definitely feels good knowing I'll be heading home for a few months-and the cool months at that! AND TCH is partnered with my old stomping grounds! In a very distant way I feel like I'll be workin' with all my ol' buddies again. Then to add to all the excitement, Texas Children's is the 4th nationally ranked children's hospital! I'm super stoked to be apart of their team even if it is only for a few months.

This will be the biggest hospital I've worked for!

Side note: We need to start arranging get togethers cause we've got approximately 7 weekends to see as many people as we possibly can! WE MISS YOU GUYS. And of course, even though it's only Houston y'all are always welcome to come stay with us! 

Friday we took Pearl to the beach and she had a great time!! I don't understand how a dog can love playing in the water at the beach but HATE getting a bath. Also, apparently she hates getting her butt sandy. I can't say I blame her.
She can dig in the sand all day but when it comes to sitting-nope, nu uh, not gonna sit in it. Instead she insists on sitting on my feet.

Then Saturday night we went to our old roommates engagement party. We finally got some real photographic evidence that we are friends! Haha.

Friends meet Cait! She's just as fun as she looks! And I'd just like to say that she's making the faces I look like the oblivious dummy who had no idea what was going on and didn't join in, lamesauce.


  1. Hey! So I'm a PICU nurse too and looking into traveling starting this winter. I'm wondering how hard it is to get good assignments like this one at TCH. I'm used to being at a large, usually ranked high, teaching hospital and am worried I'll never get assignments that come close to it. So happy I found your blog! :) Annie (


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