The Day I Almost Died and Took a Pedestrian With Me
They say that riding a bike is something you never forget. Once you learn how, you're good to go. Today, I call BS on that. In my defense I've never biked in the city and the seat needed to be adjusted down a few inches but still, I almost died and took a innocent lady down with me!
If all I had to do was keep going I'd be good to go. But when you bike in town there's lots of stopping. And when the bike seat's too high bad things happen when I have to stop. And that's when as I started to go at a cross walk I couldn't get going and there we just too many people. So in order to not hit the lady in the pencil skirt and killer nude wedges I basically fell off my bike and everybody laughed at me. Meanwhile Ryan rides off into the sunset and never knew what happened until I caught up.
If all I had to do was keep going I'd be good to go. But when you bike in town there's lots of stopping. And when the bike seat's too high bad things happen when I have to stop. And that's when as I started to go at a cross walk I couldn't get going and there we just too many people. So in order to not hit the lady in the pencil skirt and killer nude wedges I basically fell off my bike and everybody laughed at me. Meanwhile Ryan rides off into the sunset and never knew what happened until I caught up.
Me. At every. single. stoplight.
I think the worst part about all of it is I was laughing at myself to keep from crying all the while never saying I'm sorry to girl I almost killed and just rambling and rambling and rambling. Digging myself deeper and deeper into the deep, dark pit of embarrassment. I keep replaying it in my head and it gets worse and worse.
Hopefully I can get past the horror so that I can be a street savvy biker by the time we leave. And if not that then at least be able to get down the road without injuring myself or others. This all ties into me being COMPLETELY NON ATHLETIC.
I'm aspiring to be this girl:
A four year old is better at this than I am. For shame.
PS: Courtney, if you're reading this just know your bike didn't hit the ground...just almost...haha!
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