New Eating Habits

All this running is gettin' hard y'all. Some runs make me feel strong and confident while others get me down and make me feel like poop.

Sunday was my long run day-7miles in an hour and a half. It was great. I felt good I ran a faster pace than I expected and didn't get the slightest headache. It was on this run when I decided to change my eating habits. It's real hard to eat healthily when you're surrounded by the best baja mexican food on our side of the border. So I've pretty much been stuffing my face with ALL THE FOOD! I realized it's probably gonna be a least a little easier if I can clean up my eating habits and lose some of these pounds that have been hiding in my street tacos and making their way to my thighs. Ha!

I wasn't totally sure if I wanted to post the rules. I've been in the health and fitness circle for a few years now and every single person has a different idea of what a healthy diet looks like. It is an eating plan that I believe I can stick to and make into a heathy lifestyle. It's kind of a mix of pretty much every diet (ew, nasty word) I've tried in that past but tailored to help me succeed. It'a a lower carb/high protein/portion control/mostly clean plan.

  • No drinking calories-goodbye Budlight I'm gonna miss you a little
  • Lots of protein-more chicken and fish, less beef...but definitely still's what's for dinner...literally
  • Low carbs except for the evening before a long run day - this will be my unofficial 'cheat day' and I will still be counting calories to keep myself from going cray. One portion of any kinda of sweets can happen on this day as well. Clean carbs are okay other days like sweet potatoes and such. 
  • As many fruits and veggies as I want! 
  • Fresh fruit and veggie juice-Ryan got me a juicer a few years ago for my birthday and it's been collecting dust for the past 3 months. 
  • Limited dairy
Feel free to ask me every now and then how it's going. I have a renewed motivation thanks to this whole half marathon thing. I figured since I told y'all about that and am sticking with the training then maybe I can tell y'all about this and y'all can hold me accountable. 

Ryan is REAL good at making carne asada y'all.

Tonight we had tortilla-less carne asada tacos with cilantro and onion with orange, carrot, and spinach juice for dessert. Ryan's had beets in it. I also tried making zucchini 'chips' that I found on Pinterest. They weren't super awesome but I think some playing with the oven temp and seasoning will make 'em edible enjoyable. 

The first couple of days of this plan were pretty awful considering 95% of my diet consisted of carbs and I loathe most vegetables but today has been a good day (Shout out to Ryan for not divorcing me ha!). Dinner tonight reminded me that healthy food is what and how you make it. I had a serving of protein, three servings of veggies/fruit, and lots of fiber. The best part is that it was all yummy and at least for right this second I'm not craving a single carb or gram of refined sugar :) Not saying I won't all day tomorrow haha.

So like I said, feel free to ask me how it's going. If you have any clean, low carb recipes throw 'em at me! I'm pretty much chickened out so new chicken recipes are definitely welcome. 


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