
Showing posts from November, 2013

Traveling: How to Get Started

WARNING: This post only has one picture...but it's a funny one. When I think about when I started getting serious about traveling I remember being so overwhelmed and having no idea where to start. Luckily, I had worked with a travel nurse at Scott and White and he gave me his recruiter's number. Then, multiple anxiety attacks, lots of stress, and two months later I finally got my first travel gig with a completely different recruiter and travel company. I thought it would be nice to write out a nice, simple list to help y'all that are thinking about traveling get started with the process. 1. Have a travel nurse friend? Ask them for the name, number, and email of their recruiter.  This is by far the fastest way to getting on the road. Who's mine? Oh, her name's Cait (comment/email/text me for her info)  and she works for American Mobile . She's seriously the best recruiter EVER. Once you get in contact with them they'll tell you specifically what to do a...

New Eating Habits

All this running is gettin' hard y'all. Some runs make me feel strong and confident while others get me down and make me feel like poop. Sunday was my long run day-7miles in an hour and a half. It was great. I felt good I ran a faster pace than I expected and didn't get the slightest headache. It was on this run when I decided to change my eating habits. It's real hard to eat healthily when you're surrounded by the best baja mexican food on our side of the border. So I've pretty much been stuffing my face with ALL THE FOOD! I realized it's probably gonna be a least a little easier if I can clean up my eating habits and lose some of these pounds that have been hiding in my street tacos and making their way to my thighs. Ha! I wasn't totally sure if I wanted to post the rules. I've been in the health and fitness circle for a few years now and every single person has a different idea of what a healthy diet looks like. It is an eating plan that I ...

The Time Karma Got Me Back and Other Stuffs

Well y'all, karma got me back. You remember way back when last week when I ALMOST hit a girl on my bike ?? Well, today I was just running along on the boardwalk listening to my music and minding my own business and BAM! I get hit from behind by this guy riding a bike. Now I realize that I ALMOST hit someone while riding a bike BUT I wasn't just riding along a straight, 12 ft wide path where it was just me and the pedestrian. Really. I don't know if he was texting or what but he was going slow enough to not knock me down. So he was either texting or thought it'd be funny to hit the fluffy girl bouncing slowly down the fast side of the right lane. I know, I know slower people to the right. But there's always sand on the right side of the path and that makes it harder to run and more likely for me to slip and fall...I mean, hello! I AM one of the clumsiest people on the planet. Do I need to refer to the last post again? PLUS there are other people that run in the left...

The Day I Almost Died and Took a Pedestrian With Me

They say that riding a bike is something you never forget. Once you learn how, you're good to go. Today, I call BS on that. In my defense I've never biked in the city and the seat needed to be adjusted down a few inches but still, I almost died and took a innocent lady down with me! If all I had to do was keep going I'd be good to go.  But when you bike in town there's lots of stopping. And when the bike seat's too high bad things happen when I have to stop. And that's when as I started to go at a cross walk I couldn't get going and there we just too many people. So in order to not hit the lady in the pencil skirt and killer nude wedges I basically fell off my bike and everybody laughed at me. Meanwhile Ryan rides off into the sunset and never knew what happened until I caught up. Me. At every. single. stoplight. I think the worst part about all of it is I was laughing at myself to keep from crying all the while never saying I'm sorry to girl ...


Well folks.  My health took a turn for the worse after my last post. My sinus infection nastiness made its way into my chest and lived there for a week and half!  Not cool.  Then Ryan caught a little bit of it. Ha! So, I guess really not that many things have happened.  Ryan and I laid around the apartment until I had to go to work and then I worked...and worked...and worked...and ate my weight in candy, cookies, and other sweets.  Thanks Halloween.  Can I just say to all you parents out there, if you don't want your kid to have tons of candy cut 'em off a couple houses short!  Don't bring all that extra candy to work for the poor souls who have no self discipline and will power issues. Geez. That's just not nice. Really, who can say no to that?! Before all the sugary yummy nastiness made its way into my mouth hole I slouch-ran my way down 6 miles again.  Naturally, I can never keep moving forward when it comes to anything fitness goal r...