Not a Minute Too Soon

Holy Moses.

The last 18 days have been fun, anxiety-inducing, and exhausting! I started off working 6 out of 7 days in a row. Then, we hosted Ryan's parents for a week. Now, yesterday I finished up my last three shifts on 9South at Johns Hopkins. And I only just got my new assignment last Friday, 6 days before my last shift. Talk about cutting it close!

Having to leave a unit for a second time stinks pretty bad, to say the least. I LOVE my 9South coworkers. Coming back and getting to know them even better just makes it harder. It's very comforting to know, however, that I can go back. That's the beauty of travel nursing. Options are ALWAYS open.
I sure am gonna miss this skyline!!  See ya later Hopkins!!

Well, I guess I'll get to the exciting part of the post and let y'all in on where we're going next!

After 27 years of successfully avoiding any type of "real winter", Ryan and I will be going to CHICAGO next!! We'll be there through January 2nd and we're SO EXCITED!

I can't believe this fair weather Texas gal is going to be spending the first half of winter in probably one of the coldest cities in the US. Everyone I've told so far keeps commenting on how awful the cold will be. I'm holding out hope that ol' El Nino is gonna help keep those temps above average. I heard their September was overall 4 degrees warmer than usual. So fingers crossed! If their winter weather hasn't run off my brother yet then I'm sure we can handle it. Oh yeah! The best part about going to Chicago! My brother's there!! It'll be the first time we've lived in the same city since I went to college 9 years ago--ew...9? Really? Anyway, I'm really looking forward to getting to spend the holidays with family even though we can't be in Texas. My mom will even be flying in and staying with us for Christmas! Hopefully my dreams of a white Christmas can come true this year- I'm sure I'll be missing the 60 degree weather of Christmases past.

Well, I better get to packing! Ryan and I are thinking about moving out early and going to stay with Megan and Brian so we're not having to move out in the middle of Joaquin. At least it's forecasted to go farther out to sea but they're still saying to expect rain and flooding. Yuck.



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