Where did I go?!?

Where on Earth did the last three months EVEN GO!? I'll tell ya I have no clue. This has been a whirlwind of an assignment. There has not been a single day spent in the apartment the entire time. Living in these close quarters has definitely tested my sanity. I mean, the thing I look forward to most at the end of this assignment is a couch. Really, that's what I want most in life right now. I want to be able to recline on the couch and spend the entire day watching movies and playing on the internet. Or just have an spot at all to rest in our living space. Right now all we have is a chair (with no arms) and three very wobbly bar stools. Not much relaxing happens in those. Rant over. Honestly, it was best we didn't have a comfortable sized apartment, being forced to stay outside allowed us to get the most we possibly could out of our time here.

Anyway. Instead of rambling on and on about every detail of the last three months I'll just post a few photos of our many adventures, new friends, old friends, and family.
Cinderella on Broadway, View from Top of the Rock, The Mall in Central Park, Accordian playing unicorn in Central Park
The Today Show, Brooklyn Bridge, Atlantic City, Hudson River    
The Ball at Times Square, View from Empire Hotel, NY Public Library, Ryan at Washington Square
Flatiron Building, The Plaza Hotel, one of the only remaining editions of the Gutenburg Bible, 9/11 Memorial fountains
9/11 Museum, me holding a stinkin' SNAKE, Empire State Building on Memorial Weekend, Brooklyn Bridge with One World Trade in the background

Living in NYC has been one of the most exhausting, exhilarating, and rewarding times of my life. I've learned so much from the people we've met here. The stereotypes I came with being from the south have been completely debunked. I will never forget the people I've met here and the friendships we've made. 

In saying that I guess I'll clue y'all in on our next assignment! I start my new job on August 11th at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland! I can't believe it! I've heard lots of mixed reviews but I'm deciding to go in with a positive attitude. And if we're being honest, even if this next assignment is hard, I'm gonna be pretty dang proud to have this hospital on my resume. :) Also, we've already snagged our apartment, and it's...wait for it...almost FOUR TIMES the size of our current one, complete with real couch and a real kitchen! Positive attitude...check.


  1. Congrats Courtney!! You are getting so many unique experiences!


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