Interview Questions
Interviewing for a new job every three months can be stressful. After five years of traveling I still get revved up and anxious during an interview. It's nerve wracking and exciting all at the same time. Here are a few questions I always ask to contribute to the interview and help me get a better feel for the unit I'm interviewing for. What is the nursing chain of command? For example, is there a charge nurse? Is he or she a free charge? Is there or are there resource nurses? What about the manager/director positions? How are they organized? Are you (the manger/director) on the unit frequently or at night? These questions can help get a sense of who you'll have as a resource on the unit and how involved you can expect management to be. Usually you just have to ask that first question and they'll offer all that other info without you having to ask. What is the doctor chain of command? It this a teaching hospital? Are there residents, fellows, nurse practitio...