Saying Goodbye to Our Best Friend
We didn't know this at the time, but as our dreams of RV life were coming true our world as we knew it was about to be shattered. The day we bought the RV we had taken Pearl to our vet for a cluster of seizures she had that morning. We were continually reassured that dogs just sometimes have seizures and that they would watch her for the day and start her on an anti-seizure medication. No big deal, we'd give Pearl her medicine twice a day and I was looking forward to not having to see her seize again. However, Pearl continued to have seizures the rest of the evening and through the night at the ER vets office. After a couple of days of continued seizures despite increases in meds and then eventually immobility our vet had met the extent of his expertise and advised us to take her to Boise to see a specialist. Ryan went down with her first in the RV and I went down the next day because I had to work. Once she had been seen we were given three options: seizures, meningitis, tumor...