Two For One
Usually in this lovely travel world, I get my new assignment a few weeks before I start. However, with the last couple of assignments I've really lucked out and have snagged TWO assignments at one time. Actually, I accepted a position for July before I even had a clue about where we might go in April. Well, I am super excited to announce that Ryan, Pearl, and I will be spending the rest of spring and early summer in KNOXVILLE (not to be confused with Nashville), TENNESSEE ! Ryan and I drove through eastern Tennessee when we were headed to NYC and we absolutely loved the scenery. I will be working in a small-ish PICU at East Tennessee Children's Hospital. I can only imagine how beautiful it will be in the springtime! We're also excited about having another mild summer. Eighty degree summer weather suits me just fine. We're looking forward to take in all Knoxville has to offer, as well as a few places we'll be relatively close to like Nashville and Ashville,...