The Thunder Thighs That Could
I figured I'd do a little race recap before I got all caught up in the whole moving to Texas thing. It's kinda already started but I don't feel like packing so here I am. Ha! So Friday morning I got off work and Ryan and I went down to the beach for a little while, gotta soak it up while we have the chance. Also, no sleep for me, in order to make sure I could sleep that night I stayed up all day after my shift to ensure that I was real good and tired that worked. I was pretty much sleep walking by 5. That night I took a relaxing hot bath, laid out my clothes for the next morning, and hit the hay. The morning of the race I was pretty nervous, I'm not sure why. I had already run 12 miles three different times so what was one more mile? I don't know. I guess I was afraid of getting hurt or of just how badly that extra mile was going to suck. But once we got to the park with all the people and vendors I started getting more excited and more than...